首页 学术交流 测绘大讲堂 测绘大讲堂第二季 第一期


报告专家:陈军 中国工程院院士、欧亚科学院院士

发布时间:2021年02月22日 来源:中国测绘学会

先导片:陈军 中国工程院院士、欧亚科学院院士





Chen Jun’s Bio

Chen Jun is professor of National Geomatics Center of China (NGCC). He graduated from Wuhan University and studied remote sensing in IGN, France, in the beginning of 1980s. He has led the development of the world’s first wall-to-wall 30-m global land cover data set (GlobeLand30), the continuous updating of national geospatial databases at 1:50,000 scales, and made significant contribution to geospatial information sciences through developing novel algorithms or value-added applications.

He became a full professor in Wuhan University in 1992 and supervised more than 50 PhD students since then. He has served ISPRS for over 24 years, including Working group Chair (1996-2000), Technical commission president (2000-2004), Congress director (2004-2008), Secretary general (2008-2012), President (2012-2016) and now servie as First vice president (2016-now).

He received more than 20 international and national awards, such as the World Geospatial Innovation Award (2015), National Science Prizes (2004, 2014, 2017) and Asia Geospatial Lifetime Achievement Award (2017). He has elected as a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2019.